DomStufen-Festspiele in Erfurt 2019
Umberto Eco's 1980 novel The Name of the Rose became a global success. Its 1986 film adaptation made this medieval crime thriller even more internationally known. A whole wave of historical novels and films inspired by this followed.
The story, set in the 14th century, tells of the Franciscan monk William of Baskerville, who is led by a delicate ecclesiastical mission to an Italian abbey, where mysterious deaths occur. During his investigations, he uncovers a big secret that the monastery's librarian is trying to hide at all costs. William is accompanied by the novice Adso, who on the one hand gets to know the depths of human delusion, but at the same time is faced with a difficult decision due to his first love experience.
The Norwegian author duo Wiik/Kverndokk managed to get the rights to set Eco's novel to music. In Erfurt in 2008, the two had already demonstrated with the musical Martin L. that they could make a work tailor-made for the cathedral steps a success.
Premiere / 9th August 2019
William von Baskerville Yngve Gasoy-Romdal | Adso von Melk, der Ältere Ks. Máté Sólyom-Nagy | Adso von Melk, der Jüngere Florian Minnerop | Ein Mädchen Eva Löser | Salvatore, Bettelmönch Björn Kuhn | Remigio von Varagine, Cellerar Juri Batukov | Abbone von Fossanova, Abt Stefan Poslovski | Malachia von Hildesheim, Bibliothekar Axel Köhler | Severino von St. Emmeram, Botaniker Erwin Bruhn | Jorge von Burgos Ks. Jörg Rathmann | Alinardo von Grottaferrata, der älteste Mönch Wolfgang Kaiser | Venanzio von Salvemec, Schreiber Nele Neugebauer | Berengario von Arundel, Adlatus des Bibliothekars Christian Miebach | Bencio von Uppsala, Rhetoriker und Kopist Thomas Zerck | Ubertino von Casale Folke Paulsen | Michele von Cesena, Leiter des Franziskanerordens Elmar Andree | Bernado Gui, Inquisitor Rainer Zaun | Hironymus, Bischof von Caffa Dmitry Ryabchikov | Giovanni Dalbena Thomas Keiner | Alborea Dirk Biedritzky | Jean d’Anneaux Ion Enciu